Team Training

experience excellence

Negotiation Training

Flexible training, from 45 minutes to 2 day events, tailored to your organization’s time, budget, and skill development needs. Provided in-person or online.

Who Can Benefit?

These presentations, workshops and seminars are ideal for those who sell, manage the performance of others, or are responsible for negotiating with suppliers and customers.

Although our workshops can benefit anyone regardless of industry, the majority of our clients represent the technology, manufacturing, software, healthcare, and service industries.

A systematic and proven method to prepare and execute each event with every type of negotiation counterpart: negotiating one-on-one, navigating through top Fortune companies’ purchasing processes, getting best terms with your key suppliers, securing profitable deals with top customers, hiring key employees, turning prospects into customers, negotiating a merger/acquisition, or working with investors and strategic partners.

Who Can Benefit?

These presentations, workshops and seminars are ideal for those who sell, manage the performance of others, or are responsible for negotiating with suppliers and customers.

Although our workshops can benefit anyone regardless of industry, the majority of our clients represent the technology, manufacturing, software, healthcare, and service industries.

A systematic and proven method to prepare and execute each event with every type of negotiation counterpart: negotiating one-on-one, navigating through top Fortune companies’ purchasing processes, getting best terms with your key suppliers, securing profitable deals with top customers, hiring key employees, turning prospects into customers, negotiating a merger/acquisition, or working with investors and strategic partners.

Training Outcomes

Participants learn a system that guides them through any negotiation with confidence and integrity, freeing them to win more deals, and maximize profits.

Participants increase their effectiveness and make better use of their resources (time, money, energy & emotions) by learning how to:

Client-specific benefits will also be defined once a client has an opportunity to express his/her challenges and what specifically he/she would like to achieve.

Improve your Team's internal effectiveness

This system also helps your team work better by applying their new skills to working with each other internally: improving the way they communicate, coordinate, and collaborate to create better customer and business strategies.

In-House Corporate Negotiation Programs

Private, in-house, negotiating seminars and workshops are customized in collaboration with our clients and tailored for the attendees. These can be 4-hour (re-fresher), one-day, or two-day seminars and can be combinations of seminars and workshops. Pricing is based on the size of the team that is to be trained and the length of the seminar/workshop.